Under the banner of Cultural Association Students participated Cultural exchange program (MOU program) at Nehru Arts and Science College, Kanchagad on Sep. 28, 2017
September 28, 2017
UGC sponsored One day National Seminar on “Plantation Crops in Southern India-Issues and Challenges”
October 3, 2017One Day UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Ethnoscience – implications and its applications’
One day UGC sponsored national seminar “Ethnoscience- Implications and its applications” organized by Departments of Botany, Zoology And Chemistry of Nehru Memorial College Sullia in collaboration with K.V.G. Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Sullia and ‘Vanashree’, Mangalore University Botany Teacher’s Association was held on 22nd February 2017 at Nehru Memorial College auditorium.
Inaugural Session
Prof. K. R. Chandrshekhar, Chairman, Dept. of Applied Botany, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Konaje, inaugurated the seminar on 22nd February 2017. In his inaugural address he gave a vast insight into the existence of ethnoscience and its appications to our daily life. Dr. K V Chidananda, president of Academy of Liberal Education was the chairperson of inaugural session. He asserted that the ethnomedical practices undertaken by traditional healers has a great influence on the modern day medicine.
Dr. Giridhara Gowda K, the principal of NM College Sullia, delivered the introductory speech and welcomed the guest and the gathering. Dr. Shobha D secretary of Vanashree, Mangalore University Botany Teacher’s association proposed the vote of thanks. The inaugural session was compered by Mrs. Bhavya P M, lecturer, Dept. of English, Miss. Praneetha B P and Miss. Ashwitha A C, lecturer, Dept. of Chemistry.
I Session – Ethnoscience- present and future prospectives
The first technical session was on ‘Ethnoscience- present and future prospectives’. Dr. Jayakara Bhandary M. Associate professor, Head of the Botany Dept., Govt. Arts & Science College (Autonomous) Karwar, Uttara Kannada was the resource person. He exemplified the plenty of fruitful part interactions between ethnoscience and modern science from selected local culture of Karnataka. He also out threw his views on local time tested tradition models of resource harvesting and ecosystem management which may provide valuable inputs towards meeting contemporary global challenges like biodiversity conservation, sustainable management of natural resources and sustainable development. The session was chaired by Dr. P. V. Gowda, Professor, PG Study of Applied Botany, Alva’s College Vidyagiri, Moodabidri, D.K.
II Session – Ethnoscience- its evolution towards drugs
The second session was on ‘Ethnoscience- its evolution towards drugs’. Dr. Gurushankara P., Department of Animal Science, School of Biological Science, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod as the resource person strongly stressed on how rich knowledge from different traditional system of medicine like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Yoga, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, can lead to new avenues in the drug discovery process. The session was chaired by Dr. Bharathi Bhat, Professor, Department of Zoology, Sri Venkatramana Swami College, Bantwal.
III session – Paper presentation by the delegates
The paper presentation session was moderated by Dr. Kumara Hegde, Professor and HOD, Dept. of Botany, SDM College Ujire, Belthangadi. The delegates presented 18 research papers on various topics related to the main and sub themes of the proposed seminar. In their papers they explored the important aspects of ethnoscience in the area of Ethnobotany, Ethnoecology, Ethnozoology, Ethnopharmacy, Ethnoagriculture, Ethnomathematics, Ethnoastronomy, Myths and Physics, Traditional medicine and its documentation, Traditional knowledge/ Indigenous knowledge, Medicinal plants and its conservation etc. Rapporteur of this session was Dr. Rajashekhar N, Professor and HOD, Dept. of Dravyaguna, KVG Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital Sullia.
IV session – Research opportunities in ethnoscience
The last technical session was on ‘Research opportunities in ethnoscience’. Prof. B. K. Sarojini, Chairperson, Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Mangaluru was the resource person. In her address she showed an urge to take up research in the field of life sciences, physical and chemical sciences to find newer lifesaving drugs, functional foods, and life style management techniques for the well-being of mankind. The session was chaired by Dr. Sudhakaran T, Assistant Professor and HOD of Chemistry, Govt. F. G.College Carstreet, Mangaluru.
A special exhibition on ancient medicinal practices in related to Ayurveda was displayed at KVG Shastyabdha Rangamandira by the students of KVG Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Sullia. In this exhibition various medicinal plants, poisonous drugs, medicinal drugs, special preparations, preservation techniques and its models were explained.
Poster Presentation Competition
The students and faculties from various colleges of Shimoga, Udupi, Kodagu, Dakshina Kannada of Karnataka, Kerala and Goa were actively participated in the poster presentation competitions held at indoor of Nehru Memorial College. There were 43 posters displayed and presented by the students and delegates. Dr. Manohar Joshi, Ass. Prof. and HOD of Botany, Canara College Mangalore, Dr. Sudhakaran T, Ass. Prof. and HOD of Chemistry, Govt. F. G. College Carsreet, Mangalore and Dr. Krishna, Prof. and HOD of Chemistry, FMKMC College Madikeri Kodagu were the judges of this event. The best poster presenters in PG level were Sujal Bukkam R, Palekar Kirtani and Diksha K, students of Department of Biotechnology, Dhempe College Panaji, Goa and St. Aloysius College Mangalore. In UG level, the 1st Prize winner was Sangeetha Shenoy U from Bhandarkars College, Kundapura and 2nd Prize winners were Raghavendra K. N and Krithi K Rao from Poorna Prajna College Udupi.
Mr. Dinesh Nayak M, Environment Adviser, J.B.F. Petrochemicals Ltd. Mangalore, delivered the valedictory address. He spoke about the endangered species of plants and their medicinal uses. He also stressed on their sustainable utilization and conservation practices for the wellbeing of next generation.
A favorable response was received from the delegates and participants. There were 206 registered delegates, 150 student participants , 10 resource persons, 5 invited guests and members of faculty actively participated in this seminar.
Dr. Giridhara Gowda K, the Principal of Nehru Memorial College welcomed the guest and the gathering. Dr. Rohini D Bharadwaj, Professor and HOD, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, KVG Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital Sullia, the rapporteur of the conference presented a brief note of findings of the seminar.
The valedictory session of this Conference was presided by Mrs. Shobha Chidananda, Treasurer, Academy of Liberal Education ® Sullia. In the presidential remark she spoke about the importance of research in the field of medicine with regard to identification of new drugs. And distributed the prizes to the winners of Poster Presentation Competition.
Dr. Shakira Jabeen B, Student welfare officer, Dr, Poovappa Gowda K, NAAC Co-ordinator, Dr. Shobha, Secretory, Vanashree, Mangalore University Botany Teachers Association were the other dignitaries on the Dias. Mr. Kuladeep P P, Convener of the Conference, proposed the vote of thanks. The program came to an end by singing the National Anthem.
I am thankful to UGC for extending sponsorship to the national seminar. I am also thankful to the management of Nehru Memorial College Sullia, the management and faculty of KVG Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital Sullia, the president and members of ‘Vanashree’ Mangalore University Botany Teachers Association, The Principal of our college, The Media, Faculty Members and Students of the college, delegates from various colleges and Universities, the guest, resource persons, moderators, paper presenters and well-wishers for their contribution to the success of the seminar.