Hindi Sabh, NSS Camp at Chokkady High School Kuhhujadka, Sullia
April 13, 2019
Placement & Career Guidance Cell (NANDI TOYOTA )
April 13, 2019A Job Fair -2019 was organized in collaboration with the MLA of Sullia Mr S. Angara
and Job consultant, Career Destiny Mangalore on 9
March 2019 in our college.
The fair was inaugurated by MLA Mr S. Angara at morning 8:45 am and the
inaugural programme was preceded by Dr K.V Chidananda, President AOLE® Sullia. Ar.
Akashay K.C director AOLE® Sullia, the Directors of Career Destiny Mangalore Mr.
Murali H and Ms Jayashree, Principal Dr K Girirdhara Gowda and Student welfare
officer Dr K Pooovappa Gowda, PTA President Mr. Bhavani Shankar Adthale , Alumni
Association President Chandra Kolchar graced this occasion with their presence. Vote of
thanks was proposed by the convener of Placement and career guidance cell Mrs. Divya
T.S and Mr Sanjeeva K compared the Programme.
More than a thousand candidates have registered in this job fair and 400 and above
candidates were shortlisted from 42 different companies.